Tag Archives: Joël Robuchon

My Public Love Affair avec L’Atelier de Joël Robuchon!

10 Jul

So a friend and I went to L’Atelier de Joel Robuchon on a whim a coupla weeks ago.  We needed somewhere to eat near Holborn and it was the first suggestion.  Thank God we heeded this piece of fabulous advice!

Everything was on point – from the 3 layer fois gras, port reduction and parmesan foam amuse bouche (amaaazing!) to my mini fois gras and beef Robuchon burgers (deeelicious)  I lapped up every single thing that was presented to me like a french piglette!

I must apologise to my dinner date who was not amused by the random noises I made whilst lapping EVERYTHING up; it came from a place beyond normal dinner etiquette…  The food is seriously out of this world!

Apart from the world renowned purée potatoes which had me squealing like a giddy little girl, my favourite dish of the evening was dessert – Chocolat Tendance – Creamy Manjari chocolate, bitter chocolate sorbet and Oreo cookie crumb.  I don’t think there are any non-orgasmic-related adjectives to describe the culinary delight.  So I’ll just say it.  It was orgasmic!

Without sounding like the star-crossed Joël Robuchon-obsessed diner that I quite obviously am(!), I would strongly recommend the restaurant!  From the amazing food we ordered, to the plethora of in-between-surprises such as the pre-dessert raspberry coulis, pancotta and butter crumble cup and post-dessert petit fours, the evening was a foodie’s dream. I can’t comment on the price as I was lucky enough to be treated, but whatever it costs, it would have been well worth it.  2 Michelin Stars baby!  I’ll definitely be returning…


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